City Of Campbell, Ohio
2023 Election Guide
Candidate Statements And Ballot Issues
To the people of Campbell, Ohio
The general election for municipal officers shall be held on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. This guide has been prepared to introduce you to candidates who are seeking the various elective offices. Each candidate has the privilege of submitting a statement, which may include such personal data as to family, education, work experience, organization, and the platform or programs, which he/she advocates.
This year’s ballot also contains 1 levy to vote for or against and 1 charter amendment to vote for or against.
To review all statements and ballot issues please see below.
The quality of our government depends on the quality of the people elected to operate it. Consider it your duty to vote on Election Day.
God Bless America.
Dina L. Hamilton
Clerk of Council
Candidate Statements
Click here for Candidate Statements